Ted Luymes Law Firm

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Ted Luymes Law Firm

Protect Your Amazon Listings

Amazon sellers face the threat of pirates and counterfeiters stealing the buy box with products that don’t match the listings.

Account Suspension Appeals

Appealing an account suspension to Seller Performance is difficult. If not done right, it could take weeks to restore your selling privileges.

Minimum Advertised Price Enforcement

What is “MAP”?  MAP stands for Minimum Advertised Price.  Brand owners adopt such policies to ensure that their products are priced uniformly across the internet and retail stores.  MAP policies prevent “race to the bottom” price wars that damage the brand image.

Ted Luymes Law Firm uses the right combination of strength and finesse to protect your Amazon listings, brand, and tradename on the internet. Nothing is more valuable than your brand in the marketplace. Using techniques honed from 25 years of experience, we obtain fast and cost-effective results for our clients. Whether your problem is with counterfeit sellers on Amazon or someone using your photos without authorization, we can help. When the situation warrants, we will pursue violators in court.

Protect Your Amazon Listings

Amazon sellers face the threat of pirates and counterfeiters stealing the buy box with products that don’t match the listings.  Sometimes rogue sellers use your copyrighted photos or duplicate ASINs to create their own listings.  Amazon’s open catalog makes it easy for unscrupulous sellers to sell against your listings and enjoy the benefits of your good reviews.  Reporting rules violations often results in an automated response with a request that you make test buys to prove that the rogue seller’s product does not match the listing.  This requirement is expensive and time consuming.  Keep your listings clear of unauthorized sellers who will destroy your ratings and brand.

If your ASINs are being hijacked by cheats, you need professional help.  Make a move to protect your brand’s reputation and profits.  Fight back against rogue sellers on Amazon.  Contact us today and tell us about your problem.  We can help.

Frequently Asked Questions

My listing has been hijacked!  What do I do?  If your listing is hijacked by a seller whose product does not match the listing, act quickly.  Begin by contacting the seller and asking them to delist.  If they don’t, send them a Cease & Desist letter and file a “rules violation” report to Amazon Seller Performance.  You will likely receive a response from Amazon asking you to conduct a test buy.  If you have done a test buy, provide Amazon with side-by-side photos comparing the test buy against the genuine product.  Amazon is great, but Seller Performance  can be frustratingly slow to enforce their own rules.  They need to have a level of confidence that there has been a rule violation that triggers action against a seller’s account.  You must give Seller Performance the evidence they want in the way they request.   

Do I have to retain a lawyer?  No.  But if your own efforts to remove the rogue seller have failed, hiring an Amazon-hardened attorney really helps.  Here’s how:  (1) When the rogue seller hears from me, they know I mean business.  The fact that you hired a professional says you’re serious about protecting your brand.  (2) Amazon’s legal department, Seller Performance, and Seller Support are familiar with my work product.  I am not “just another seller” to them.  (3) Dealing with rogue sellers is my core business.  I have investigators and resources outside of Amazon that you don’t.

What do you do to remove sellers from my listings?  Simply put:  I ramp-up pressure on the rogue sellers to comply with Amazon’s rules.  My correspondence with the seller is polite, but firm.  I encourage rogue sellers to obey the rules and respect other parties’ intellectual property.  Often, I do not have to report the violation to Seller Performance.  But I am relentless against any seller I must report.

I have already reported the rogue seller and nothing happened.  What do you do differently?  Solving my client’s problems is my top priority.  When I submit infringement reports to Amazon, they are targeted to fulfill Seller Performance’s evidentiary needs, which sometimes includes attorney affidavits or other factual support.  When possible, I work outside of Amazon to enforce applicable laws.  Foreign sellers think they can break our laws because they are beyond our reach.  That’s often not the case.

Are test buys always necessary?  Not always.  Sometimes Seller Performance accepts other evidence.

How long will it take to get results?  It varies.  I have obtained removals within a couple hours of being retained.  Very difficult cases can take up to 3 or 4 weeks, but this is unusual.  Most assignments are resolved within 5 to 10 days.  

What can I expect when I contact you?  Email me first – ted@tedlawfirm.com – and explain the problem.  I will look at your ASINs and respond with solutions.  The initial consultation is free.  If you want to hire me, I will do a conflict check, email a written retainer agreement, and you can pay the refundable deposit by wire transfer or check.  Once the attorney-client relationship is established, I will start fighting for you immediately.

How much will it cost?  It depends on the number of rogue sellers and the difficulty of the assignment. I will give you a budget estimate after you contact the firm and I know more about your problem.  If unusual circumstances call for work beyond my budget estimate, I will explain why and get your approval for any added expense.  I typically require a refundable deposit into my firm’s client trust account to initiate a new client relationship.  Details are in the written attorney-client retainer agreement.

Why don’t you charge a flat fee?  The services I offer are tailored to the client’s needs.  It’s only fair to charge for the time I am actually working for you.  Like most attorneys, I charge an hourly rate (in 1/10th of an hour increments) and I keep detailed time records of what I am doing on your behalf.  I maintain close contact with my clients while I am working on their matters, so there are no surprises in your bill.  Invoices are paid out of the money you deposit in the client trust account.

Do you always succeed?  I have a greater than 90 percent success rate in removing rogue sellers from my client’s ASINs on Amazon.  However, I can’t guarantee success in every case.

What if the seller comes back?  Rogue sellers are less attracted to listings they know are being protected by an attorney.  If the seller returns, we will discuss a plan of action with you.

Account Suspension Appeals

Amazon seller account suspended?  We can help.

Appealing an account suspension to Seller Performance is difficult.  If not done right, it could take weeks to restore your selling privileges.  Your sellers account may be terminated if you don’t respond quickly and appropriately.  While your selling privileges are removed, you are losing sales. We help suspended sellers write appeals that maximize the chances of getting their accounts reinstated.  We can also help you respond to warnings and other notifications, which often precede account suspension.  Our assistance is especially valuable if English is not your first language or you have had more than one prior suspension.  Contact us today if you need help appealing an account suspension or responding to Amazon Seller Performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Amazon suspended my seller privileges!  What do I do?  Contact me immediately.  You have a limited time to act. We may be able to restore your privileges while your account is under review.  I will guide you through the appeal process quickly.  You won’t have to guess whether you’re doing it right.  If you have been suspended before, please DO NOT submit an appeal without getting professional help.  Your seller privileges will be terminated if you don’t do it right.

Do I need help preparing an appeal?  In almost every case – YES.  Amazon Seller Performance is looking for a very specific plan of action from you.  The more you know WHAT to say and HOW best to say it, the better.  Many sellers who write their own appeals remain suspended for weeks or months waiting for a decision from Amazon.  Doing the appeal correctly the first time is the best way to get your seller privileges restored rapidly.  Also, if English is not your first language or you are not a proficient writer, I urge you to get professional help with your appeal.  If this is your second suspension, please get professional help. 

What will you do to help me get my seller privileges reinstated?   Here’s the process in a nutshell:  (1) I will review the emails from Amazon and (if it’s not clear) help you understand why your account was suspended.  (2) We will discuss what changes you should make to correct the issue and avoid future problems.  (3) I will ghost write a custom appeal for you to submit or, if you prefer, I will edit what you’ve written.  (4) I will help you respond to any follow-up emails you receive.  Call me now and get answers to your questions.

I don’t know why my account was suspended.  How do I find out?  The suspension email does not always state WHY you were suspended.  However, there are always clues based on warnings, poor metrics, or customer complaints.  It is important to know WHY you were suspended, otherwise you won’t know what to say in your appeal.  Correcting your business practice will reduce the chance of being suspended again.  Amazon will terminate sellers who get multiple suspensions.

How long will it take?  It depends on the reasons for your suspension.  In most cases where I assist the seller from the beginning, we get reinstatement within 5 to 10 business days.  Sellers who write their own appeals often wait 4 to 6 weeksbefore their appeals are resolved.   I expedite all appeals work to better your odds of winning the appeal.  If your Amazon seller privileges are important to you, get professional help with your appeal right away.

I already submitted an appeal, but it has been weeks and my seller privileges are still suspended.  Can you help me?  Yes, let’s talk.  I may be able to help.

Will my seller privileges be restored?  With a properly-drafted action plan, seller privileges are usually restored – but not always.  If you have committed a serious violation of Amazon’s rules or done anything that could be construed as illegal or unethical, you will be banned.  If I don’t think there is a reasonable chance you will be reinstated, I will tell you so up-front and at no cost to you.  I will not waste your time or money.  

How much does it cost?  Initial consultations are free and no-obligation.  Just call 626-993-7000 or email me atted@tedlawfirm.com.  I charge a flat fee for Amazon appeals, as they require my immediate attention.  Let’s get started with your appeal!

Minimum Advertised Price Enforcement

What is “MAP”?  MAP stands for Minimum Advertised Price.  Brand owners adopt such policies to ensure that their products are priced uniformly across the internet and retail stores.  MAP policies prevent “race to the bottom” price wars that damage the brand image.  They also level the playing field for retailers of a particular brand.  MAP policies must be written carefully to avoid violating the law.  It is equally important to enforce MAP policies evenhandedly and with care.

I am a manufacturer/distributor.  Amazon sellers are hurting my brand by offering very low prices.  What can I do?  If you don’t have one, I can prepare a MAP policy specific to your needs.  I also help brand owners enforce MAP policies in ways that are sensitive to their customer relationships and compliant with applicable laws.  Contact me to discuss solutions.

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