Join thousands of other documented successful entrepreneurs who have learned to launch or grow thriving online businesses using cutting-edge, exciting strategies for Amazon FBA, eBay, self-publishing, online marketing and other proven online strategies as taught by author Jim Cockrum.
As arguably the all time best-selling author in the world on the topic of online business success, Jim's recently updated "Silent Sales Machine" book has launched countless success stories. Are you next? This podcast is for anyone who is looking to build or start an online business the RIGHT way with advice from one of the most trusted names in online marketing.
Episode 109: Growing an audience fast using Simple Facebook ads
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Over the years I've observed many people who have succeeded seemingly easily with an online business, and I've seen many who just can't seem to get going no matter what strategy or technique they deploy. It's not your intelligence, your tools, your cash, your education or your determination that matters nearly as much as this ONE single factor that I reveal in this simple episode. Deploy this strategy and you'll be unstoppable. Notes at
Stay updated with us on Facebook Messenger
In this episode Brett joins Jim to discuss how simple ads can be used on Facebook to grow a responsive audience quickly for virtually any product, business, event or just about any other purpose! Our list of success stories with our "Proven Audience" strategy is expanding rapidly. Also discussed: The upcoming live event in California Feb 1-2 2018 (details at as well as the results we just saw from our own Amazon and online selling business during the recent Christmas shopping season. As always – show resources at – our Facebook audience building event Feb 1-2 (Livestream, recorded or attend live with us!)
MySilentTeam Facebook Group
The video Brett shot before dinner that now has millions of views: Spider video
Episode 108: The one thing that separates those who succeed from those who fail
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Over the years I've observed many people who have succeeded seemingly easily with an online business, and I've seen many who just can't seem to get going no matter what strategy or technique they deploy. It's not your intelligence, your tools, your cash, your education or your determination that matters nearly as much as this ONE single factor that I reveal in this simple episode. Deploy this strategy and you'll be unstoppable. Notes at
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Episode 107: 2018 Amazon Seller Forecast & Success Stories
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Today Jim tells us his forecast for Amazon and FBA sellers in 2018 – and it's a very bright forecast! He also shares about the dangers of isolation in Internet business as well as several success stories! Next he reminds us to mark August 23-35 2018 on our calendars for CES VI in Indianapolis, IN (Tickets go on sale early Spring 2018). As always, visit for all links and resources mentioned in this episode.
Stay updated with us on :
- Facebook Messenger
- My Silent Team Facebook group
- (will be updated soon with CESVI details)
Recent testimonial links in our free public Facebook group:
- First 500 day post
- Lisa $2,000 day celebration – 430 like clicks etc.
- Over $1,000 in sales in first 20 days
- Jane "the Overcomer" has a $20k month
- Excited about firsts $1,000 day
- Hit $1,000 day after starting just a couple months ago
- Finally broke $10K in a month
- Finally broke $15K in a month
- First sale – community celebrates:
- First four days as a seller – $1,100
- Trevor bought PAC – so many celebrated with him:
- Peter goes fulltime and the community celebrates
- First $100 day
- Big month over 230 responses loving PAC
- Goal of $7k hit $10k
Episode 106: Optimize your Amazon listings for maximum sales and results
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What small changes can you make to your Amazon listings to increase sales? How can you know you are using the right keywords? Today Karon Thackston joins us to discuss some of the simple strategies we use to ensure that we are attracting as many qualified prospects and buyers as possible to our Amazon listings.
Stay updated with us on Facebook Messenger
Karon's book:
- Save $10 with this code: jim20aa
Episode 105: Our $700K single day was a nice way to celebrate our 15th year online!
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Our team just celebrated the single biggest day of sales EVER at the same time I was celebrating my 15th year of going full time online! We also nearly had the #1 top selling toy on Amazon U.S. one day last week! It's a great story! In today's episode I encourage you to believe that big things are possible because others are already doing it! If you aren't where you want to be just yet with your online business career, 2018 is the year to make it happen! There's NEVER been a better time to jump in. Be the hero of your story – be a business building warrior – we are here to help make that happen! All links and resources mentioned can be found at
Stay updated with us on:
- Facebook Messenger
- My Silent Team Facebook group
- 15 year anniversary post on Facebook
Facebook post about our recent shot at having the #1 toy on Amazon
Episode 2: How Brett turned $400 into an 8-figure Amazon business
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How did Brett go from $400 in "start-up" money to an 8-figure Amazon business in about 4 years? He figured out how to get Amazon to tell him what people were wanting, but could not find – the "golden gap" that Brett fills. He is now teaching others to follow his system with great success. Listen and learn about this amazing strategy.
Chuck bet $5,000 Brett wasn't selling $1,000 per day
Episode 1: Simple strategies that will exponentially grow any business quickly
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In our opening episode we present Jim's recent keynote address from a 2016 conference. The ASD conference where he spoke is one of the largest U.S. trade shows which attracts tens of thousands of entrepreneurs from around the world, but they had never had a keynote address. Jim was honored to be invited to be the first! These tips and strategies will introduce you a bit to the way Jim's mind works. The audio isn't the best, but we thought you'd enjoy hearing Jim interact with an audience of business owners as our pilot episode.
Episode 0: Introduction To Silent Sales Machine Radio Podcast
Click here to download this episode
In this initial episode I address two basic questions.
Question One: Who is this podcast for?
Answer: It's for anyone wanting to start an online Internet based business or have more success in their online business. We'll have an emphasis on the three business models that we teach. It's the same models that we have used to create thousands of success stories in our large community.
Question Two: What is the foundational "secret sauce" that drives my success and the success of all my clients (even those clients who have a DIFFERENT worldview than I do)?
The answer is simple – and I reveal it in this episode.