Remove Duplicate / Repeating Words from Text
This free text manipulation tool is useful for webmasters to remove repeating keywords and phrases from meta tag strings, text and to reorder a sequence of words in an alphabetic or reverse alphabetic order.
Copy and paste your keywords text string with repeating words or duplicate keywords to be reordered into the upper text input window. Hit one of the function buttons to remove repeating or duplicate words from the text. To remove a next batch of repeating words, click on the "reset" button first, than paste the text content with repeating words that you would like to process.
If you need to remove duplicate words from a comma separated keyword string, add a comma after the last keyword to insure the proper function of this online duplicate keyword removal tool.
About Us
TraceMyIP, LLC. is a USA based company that provides web security and visitor analytics services. The company’s mission is to provide facilities to secure web content and connect web publishers with their target audience.
The server-side hosted web service gathers information of all inbound connections to a website host for further real-time analysis. The hybrid of software and hardware implementation also allows for conditional GEO, IP and timeframe visitor redirects while differentiating between human and bot activity. Statistical data segmentation allocates facilities for publishers to understand the consumers’ behavioral response as a result of online and offline content delivery. The social engagement data analysis pinpoints individual website visitors based on unique method of identification and serves as a core for the entire TraceMyIP, LLC. platform.