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Private Label Seller?

Looking for practical advice and tips from more than 20 of the WORLD’s BEST experts in the industry?

We’ve had thousands of private label owners FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD check in so far and they’ve learned: How to use advanced sourcing and product research strategies The process for taking your products onto other platforms How to get into retail How to boost sales without breaking the bank using Sponsored Products How to adapt to changes in policies and terms when selling on Amazon AND how to you launch a product with no incentivized reviews And that’s just for starters!! The beauty of this being an ON-DEMAND VIRTUAL conference is that the presentations are all there to watch IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME, AT ANY TIME YOU WANT!

Private Label World Summit Host

Kevin Rizer

Always the entrepreneur, Kevin Rizer heard of the opportunities available to build a brand of physical products, and dove right in. Admittedly, he thought that the new venture would be more of a hobby than a business. That view changed — and quickly, when his first private label brand, in the pet space, found a voice and grossed over $1M in sales during its first full year.

Today, Kevin has several brands of private label products, and a growing team of dedicated individuals helping him build an empire. Kevin is one of the co-founders of ZonSquad, the preeminent authority on launching and growing a brand.

Kevin started Private Label Podcast in April of 2015 to bring the stories of successful sellers and brand owners, as well as industry leaders and experts to an ever-growing audience of private label entrepreneurs. Today, the podcast reaches 60,000 + brand owners each month, through audio, video and online content.

“Kevin REALLY knows his stuff. Every minute I spend watching or listening to him equates to real dollars for my private label business”– Josh, Ohio

“PLP is my favorite podcast by far. The guests are top notch. The host is engaged and asks great follow up questions. I implore you to check it out!” — Stan, Florida


If you want to BE the best, you need to LEARN from the best. We’re bringing industry experts and the most successful sellers together for five amazing days of learning, collaboration and networking from all over the world.


No plane ticket. No hotel. No overpriced food and beverage. Join from anywhere, with all sessions recorded so you can consume on your own schedule.


Meet and mastermind with the most successful private label entrepreneurs the world over. Utilize our in-summit chat, message board and exclusive facebook group to meet other sellers to share ideas and strategies.


As an attendee at the world’s first ever Private Label World Summit, you’ll gain exclusive deals and special discounts on the cutting edge tools and services you need to take your business to the next level. These discounts are not available anywhere else.

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