Amazon FBA Boost Extension
The BOOST Extension is designed for Amazon FBA sellers who are looking for ways to analyze data quicker and more efficiently in order to make informed decisions, and to provide solutions for managing seller tasks.
Boost is currently in BETA mode and supports the following features:
1. BOOST Analyze – quickly see an Amazon product detail page’s ASIN, dimensions, selling price, seller fees & potential profit.
2. BOOST Variation Pro – Use the Variation Checker feature of BOOST to analyze a listing with variation to better determine what percentage of sales each variation makes up.
3. BOOST Review Extractor – Quickly extract the reviews from a product detail page so that you can analyze them for common themes. Use this to find keywords that you can incorporate into your listing copy. Can be exported to a CSV.
4. BOOST Keyword Hacker: Autonator – The Keyword Hacker: Autonator function will allow you to quickly find many Amazon auto suggest terms for a given keyword – without having to leave the page!
5. BOOST Keyword Hacker: Frequency Finder – This feature allows you to quickly see the frequency of keywords that occur on the current page OR from the top 10 ranked listings for a given keyword.
6. BOOST Review Finder – The review finder allows you to quickly and easily match a product review to the customer who purchased. No more trying to search through all your order-ID’s for a particular name, or being unable to match a generic “amazon customer” to a review. Just hit the button and message the customer as needed! Turn those 1 stars into 5 stars.