A Free Tool To Speed Up Your
Amazon Product Research.
WHAT is AMZBase?
AMZBase is a free and useful tool for assisting you in your search to find products to sell on Amazon. It helps sellers to quickly obtain the ASIN No. and the title description of listings on Amazon. As well as this, it provides immediate access to CamelCamelCamel, Alibaba, AliExpress, eBay and Google search engines, while also calculating FBA fees to estimate your potential profits.
Try AMZBase today and streamline your Amazon product research!
All-in-one Instant Search Tool
Search products on Google
Source the related product on Alibaba
Check listing information on other B2C online retailing websites such as AliExpress and eBay
Pick certain words from your screen and search them immediately
We Can Do More
Find the historical prices of
product using one-click
access to CamelCamelCamel
Hover over a product image to
effortlessly obtain the ASIN No. and
the title description of the listing
Click on Amazon icon to calculate
the FBA profits of product quickly
How to Use AMZBase?
Update the chrome browser to the latest version.
Install chrome browser. open the chrome web app store, search “AMZBase” and installation.
Hover over a product image and click on “AMZBase View” to effortlessly obtain the ASIN No. and the title description of the listing
Find the historical prices from CamelCamelCamel,Search products on Google, Source the related product on Alibaba,Check listing information on AliExpress and eBay.