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AMZ Piranha

Bulk product search, profit calculation and competition analysis software

Great features, no restriction!

Bulk Analysis
Analyze thousands of products using your purchase prices and any of these identifiers: UPC, EAN, ISBN, ASIN, GCID, Seller SKU or JAN

Fast, Unlimited Search
No limit for your searches! You can search as many item as you want. TURBO PIRANHA™ can search up to 36,000 items per hour.

All Details of Products
Tens of different details of the products, such as manufacturer, color, material, size, weight, dimensions, number of items.

Profit and Margin Analysis
Estimate fees using price information, calculate profits and margins and decide if it is profitable.

Sales Rank Information
Not only the best sale rankings in all categories that the product is listed in but also the estimated monthly sales.

Buy Box Prices
Find all the details of buy box prices on Amazon web site and the ratings of those sellers.

Lowest FBA Prices
Not always the lowest price gets the buy box. Get up to 20 lowest FBA offers and the details of sellers.

Lowest Merchant Prices
Some merchants don’t use FBA. Get up to 20 lowest merchant (FBM) offers and the details of sellers.

FBA Fulfillment Fees
Referral fee, variable closing fee, FBA fees, FBA pick and pack, FBA weight handling, FBA order handling and FBA delivery services…

Predefined Output Formats
Lightning fast analysis using several easy to use pre-defined templates and export results to Excel directly.

Custom Output Formats
Flexible enough to create custom templates to pick and request only the selected information that you need from Amazon.

Free Updates
With simple and hassle free subscription model, always get the latest updates, and new features for free of charge.

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Pricing Model single payment
Price $39/month
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Category Tools, Analysis / Reporting
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AMZ Piranha

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