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Slick Deals

Slick Deals

How It Works Slickdeals is the leading and most trusted online community dedicated to sharing, rating, and reviewing deals and coupons. Members Share Deals Deal-savvy members find
Deal News

Deal News

Every day, DealNews brings you the best deals available on the Internet. For consumers overwhelmed by the thousands of offers (and so-called offers) available online every da


Find out more about how helps brands and retailers engage consumers with our portfolio of digital, social & mobile solutions. Get the Mobile App


These things are important. Ignore at your own risk. Woot is a lifestyle. Woot is a vision. Woot is a pungent aroma that never apologizes for what it is. Woot is the hope in the ey
Dans Deals

Dans Deals

DANis the CEO and founder of, voted the #1 miles and points blog by USA Today’s readers. He has personally earned over 25 million miles and point
Deal Spotr

Deal Spotr

When Dealspotr first launched in 2015, we had a pretty simple goal of making working coupon codes easier to find. The online coupon market featured outdated sites which were a


A Groupon survey of 2,000 Americans revealed that more than 50 percent of people still have no idea what to buy someone on their list with moms and dads ranking as the most difficu
Harmonized Tariff Schedule US Gov't Tariff

Harmonized Tariff Schedule US Gov't Tariff

Welcome to A Guide to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) e-learning module. “This module is designed to provide a basic understanding of the HTS and ex