Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of high intentions, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives.
Quality Control
Products We Inspect
Electrical & Electronic Home Appliances, Light & Lighting, Electrical Tools, Electrical Vehicles, Telephone & Mobiles, Computer Parts, Electronic Accessories, Remote Control Toys, Health & Beauty Products
Hard Goods Household Utensils, Furniture & Furnishings, Porcelain & Ceramics, Toys & Gifts, Seasonal Products, Sports Products, Stationer y, Clocks & Watches, Jewellery
Soft Goods Fabric, Apparel, Fashion Accessories, Home Textiles, Footwear & Leather Products, Luggage, Bags & Cases, Caps & Headwear
Industrial Products Mechanical Equipment, Machinery Parts, Metal Sheet, Plastic Film, Tools & Equipment, Construction Products
Others Chemical Material, Mineral Products, Processed Grains, Bakery Goods, Cosmetic Products, Agricultural Products
Our Strengths
Consumer Electronics,
Lighting Products,
Furniture & Furnishing,
Textiles & Garments,
Jewelry Products
Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI)
Pre-Shipment Inspections are a most effective inspection that confirms the whole shipment’s quality level. It normally requires the production to be 100% complete and at least 80% of goods to be packed into cartons. The checked samples are randomly selected according to AQL standard. Each product is different and has a wide variety of defects that can occur. Our inspections are performed using specific criteria based on each product’s style, function, specifications and other important information. We have over 1300 check lists for different products that provide the criteria needed to find your products defects. The below sections and points are covered in a PSI Inspection.
Our professional inspections and detailed/clear report formats will give you all the information that you need to make a final shipping decision. Please click here for a detailed Pre-Shipment Inspection report. We hope that our services and expertise will make you our long term satisfied partner.
During Production Inspection (DPI)
DPI inspections are used to check the product early on in production and make sure that they conform to the client’s standards. As production is continued these defects can be addressed so that the defect rate for the rest of production is lowered. Also we are able to check the production schedule and confirm that the products will be ready according to your shipment schedule. Don’t let your shipment be delayed due to reworking or bad shipments. The below sections and points are covered in a DPI Inspection.
Our professional inspections and detailed/clear report formats will give you all the information that you need to make a final shipping decision. Please find our During Production Inspection report here. We hope that our services and expertise will make you our long term satisfied partner.
Production Monitoring
For your important or time sensitive productions, V-Trust’s inspector can stay at the factory throughout the production for weeks or months. While onsite our inspector will constantly monitor the production, confirm schedule, supervise the factory’s internal quality control, conduct random inspections of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products and send a detailed report to you every day. The below sections and points are covered during Production Monitoring Inspection.
For more details on your specific Production Monitoring needs, please contact cs@v-trust.com. We will happily provide detailed inspection methods for all of your special quality control need.
Container Loading Supervision (CLS)
Container loading is a critical step in the delivery of your goods. Even a good quality product if it is loaded incorrectly can be poor quality or even unsalable when it arrives. You could also end up with another customer’s products, incorrect quantities, wet goods/gift boxes or a wide variety of other defects directly related to poor loading conditions. V-Trust takes steps to make sure that you receive “your” products and that they are in the same condition that they were when loading began. The following points are included in CLS:
Container Loading Supervision is an important step in receiving quality goods. For more detailed information, please download a sample report here.
Inspection Standards
General Standards
V-Trust uses the ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 as its sampling standard and acceptable level of quality. This method is widely used to decide whether to accept a production lot without checking every single item. This standard now has equivalents in all national and international standardization organizations such as BS6001, ABC105, ANSI/ASQ Z1.4, NFX 06-022, ISO 2859 and DIN 40080.
It offers the advantage of clearly defining the number of samples to be inspected from a given lot or consignment. It also suggests the maximum number of defective items allowed in the samples size unless specified by clients. Our default Acceptable Quality Level is Level II.
AQL Table Understanding AQL
How do I determine the right sample size and acceptance number?
As an example, in an inspection of a 3,500 unit lot, with an Acceptable Quality Level of II, Table A indicates that sample size code letter should be “L” . Table B indicates that the sampling size of “L” should be 200 units. For an AQL of 2.5, the corresponding acceptance number is 10.
What does this mean in concrete terms?
If the number of defective units is higher than 10, the lot should be rejected. It also means that, if the lot passes inspection, there is a 95% chance that less than 5% (10 defects in this example) of the entire inspected lot will be defective.
What should I do with defective or discarded lots?
Defective items found as part of 100% inspection can be discarded, repaired or replaced. You may opt to buy the discarded lot at a discount for resale at a lower price.
Checking criteria
V-Trust general on-site checking includes the following criteria:
Besides the above, we can carry out a tailor-made inspection according to your criteria. A comprehensive report with photographic evidence is provided within 24hrs after inspection,detailing the V-Trust inspector’s findings and outcome. We can also send you a same day inspection report (within 6hrs after inspection) upon your request.
Defect classification
Defects detected during visual inspections are classified into three categories as follows:
Critical Defect – corresponds to a defect likely to be unsafe for consumers. Our default Critical Defect AQL is Not Allowed.
Major Defect – results in function failures or reduction of product usability or obvious appearance faults which may affect the salability of the product. Our default Major Defect AQL is 2.5.
Minor Defect – doesn’t reduce the usability or function of the product, but is beyond the defined quality standard and may reduce the salability of the product. Our default Minor Defect AQL is 4.0.
Clients can also specify what points are Minor, Major or Critical in their own checklists.
1. No running yard shall be penalized more than 4 points for warp and weft defects.
2. For Fabric width exceeding 64″-66″, Maximum penalty points can be increased above 4 per linear yard in proportion to the width.
3. Defects appearing within one inch of either edge shall be disregarded.
4. Any hole other than a pin hole shall be considered a major defect and assigned 4 points for penalty.
Grading: 1. Linear Yard basis: Acceptable tolerance=20 points per 100 linear yards 2. Square yard basis: Points/100 sq. yd=
Total Points scored in the bulk X 100 X 36
Width of the roll(inch) X total yds inspected Acceptable tolerance: a. 28 points per 100 sq. yd. for each individual roll. b. 20 points per 100 sq.yd. for average of rolls inspected.
1st Quality: Penalty points not exceed the acceptable tolerance.
2nd Quality: Penalty points exceed the acceptable tolerance.
Price & Terms
V-Trust Price List
- No extra charge for travelling cost; No extra charge for inspections on Saturday & Sunday.
- Advanced payment required; Extra 5% charge for payment after inspection; Extra 10 USD for same day inspection report.
- Compensation up to 10 times of inspection fee, subject to the inspection having been performed to a minimum AQL general inspection level II per model. (Up to 5 times if no approved samples for inspection on site or less sample size).
Payment Terms
Please arrange your payment via the Paypal or bank transfer at least 3 days before inspection date.
Payment via PayPal
If you choose to pay via PayPal (
) , pls pay the inspection charge to
Our inspection quotation is based on payment via PayPal, which is faster and cheaper for small transaction amounts.
Payment via Bank
Please refer to bank information indicated in V-Trust’s invoice.
Please email or fax the bank slip for our tracing convenience.
Please indicate your V-Trust Invoice No. in the bank slip.
All banking charges outside China should be at your expense. Please mention this to your bank when you arrange payment by T/T.
General Terms
1. General
1.1 Unless otherwise specifically and expressly agreed in writing by V-Trust Inspection Service Co.,Ltd (hereinafter called “V-Trust”), all services provided by V-Trust are governed by the following general conditions of service, which prevail any purchase terms and conditions.
1.2 Services carried out by V-Trust, on behalf of an entity or individual from whom the instructions to act have originated will be carried out by using techniques and processes that permit an independent, impartial and objective approach. The end result of the service will consist in a certificate or document (hereinafter called the “report”) communicating the collection of information V-Trust has been requested to supply and will be delivered as a fax, a written document or an online report.
1.3 No other party than the client shall be entitled to give instructions to V-Trust, particularly on the scope of inspection or delivery of report, unless so authorized by the client.
2. Provision of services
V-Trust in the capacity of an independent third party, supplies information in the form of ascertainment or recommendations for the special purpose of contributing to the prevention of the risks to which the beneficiaries of its services are exposed, and of helping them assure the quality of their products. V-Trust’s services (hereinafter called “services”) consist of work performed by V-Trust, including but not limited to:
2.1 During Production Inspection (DPI) 2.2 Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI) 2.3 Container Loading Supervision (CLS) 2.4 Production Monitoring (PM) 2.5 Sample Checking 2.6 Factory Audit (FA) 2.7 Social Compliance Audit (SA) 2.8 Company Authentication Audit (CAA) 2.9 Credit Audit 2.10 Laboratory Testing
3. V-Trust’s obligations and undertakings
3.1 V-Trust expressly reserves the right to act at its own discretion in accepting or declining a request for service, and cannot be compelled to accept or be held liable for declining a request for services or for products:
– Falling out of its scope of activity or specialization.
– Presenting geographical accessibility problems, such as services to be rendered or products to be found in restricted or highly remote areas.
– Requiring V-Trust to obtain special permissions to operate such as governmental permissions.
3.2. V-Trust undertakes to supply the services it has accepted to carry out in a professional and timely manner, in accordance with proper professional practice and in compliance with:
– The client’s special instructions when ordering the service and as confirmed by V-Trust – the terms of reference should be duly signed by the client and V-Trust, and in the absence of such instructions:
– Any relevant professional standard, trade custom, usage or practice.
– Such methods as V-Trust shall consider appropriate on technical, operational and/or financial grounds.
3.3. V-Trust shall exercise due care and skill in the selection and assignment of its personnel.
4. Client’s obligations and undertakings
The client agrees:
4.1 To take all reasonable steps to assure V-Trust has access to the materials on which service will be based.
4.2 To provide V-Trust with all information and samples, as well as the documents necessary to complete requested services, in a timely manner (and in any event not later than 48 hours prior to the desired intervention), except for generally available documents such as codes and standards, either directly or through suppliers or agents of the client.
4.3 To insure that adequate instructions and notice are given to V-Trust in due time to facilitate proper performance for the service requested.
4.4 To advise V-Trust of the date on which the services are to begin, or to be resumed, and also of essential dates affecting the item(s) for which services are being rendered.
4.5 Generally to render all reasonable assistance to V-Trust in providing necessary instructions, information, documents, safety and security information in connection with the working conditions, required equipment and access (as the case may be).
4.6 Documents reflecting engagements between the client and third parties or third parties’ documents – if received by V-Trust – are considered to be for information only and do not extend or restrict the scope of the services or obligations accepted by V-Trust.
5. Invoicing, fees and payment
Please mark your T/T reference and write your V-Trust invoice No. in the subject of email. Normal clients need to pay the inspection fee or audit fee at least 2 days before the inspection. For prospective clients with a confirmed usage of 20 inspections per month or more, we may sign an agreement for monthly statement.
5.1 In the case where the client terminates an order for a V-Trust service within 24 hours of the scheduled date of service commencement will be charged at full price.
5.2 In the event that V-Trust is prevented for any reason beyond its control from performing or completing requested services, including cases of early termination of service for any reason not attributable to V-Trust, the client agrees to :
5.2.1 Reimburse any expenditure, and out of pocket expenses made or incurred in relation to this service;
5.2.2 Pay proportion of fees due for services actually rendered and to release V-Trust from all responsibility for partial or non-performance of the services.
5.3 In the event when the inspection must be cancelled on the intended inspection day, because of wrong information given by client or factory (e.g. goods not ready for inspection despite information given by factory,…), the man-day will be considered spent, and V-Trust will charge full fee as a ‘missed inspection’ fee. V-Trust advises its clients to then re-charge this cost to their factory when the factory is proved to be mistaken.
6. Liability and indemnification
6.1 Limitation of liability
6.1.1 V-Trust is neither an insurer nor a guarantor and disclaims such capacity. Clients seeking a guarantee against loss or damage should obtain appropriate insurance.
6.1.2 Subject to the client’s instructions as accepted by V-Trust (as specified in the terms of reference), V-Trust will issue the report relating to the facts as recorded by it within the limits of the instructions received and on the basis of the documents and information provided by the client (refer to § 4 above), but V-Trust is under no obligation to report upon any facts or circumstances which are outside the specific scope of its assignment.
6.1.3 V-Trust advice is given only in relation to documents and information provided by the client, and V-Trust cannot be held liable if it has received incomplete or erroneous information.
6.1.4 In the event of false information being given to V-Trust by a third party, V-Trust accepts no liability.
6.1.5 V-Trust undertakes to use its best efforts and to exercise due care and skill in the performance of its services, and accepts liability only in case of negligence proven by the client.
6.2 Indemnification
6.2.1 In the event of V-Trust being held liable in respect of any claim for loss, damage or expense of whatever nature and however arising, its liability to the client shall in no circumstances exceed 10 times (10 times for inspections with approved samples for reference, 5 times for inspection without approved samples for reference) the total aggregate sum of fees paid for the specific services for which a claim is made.
6.2.2 In addition, in case of the service of pre-shipment inspections.
Where less than 100% of the production is complete, our responsibility will only extend to those items completed at the time of inspection. The report does not evidence shipment.
6.2.3 The client shall guarantee and indemnify V-Trust and its servants, agents or subcontractors against all claims made by third parties for loss, damage or expense of what nature arising, relating to the performance or non-performance of any service, to the extent that the total sum of such claims exceeds the limitation of liability mentioned in Article 6.2.1.
6.3 In the event of any claim, notice must be given to headquarters which is located at 1507-1509 West Tower, Poly World Trade Centre, 1000 Xingang Road E., Guangzhou, China. Tel: +86-20-89089880, Fax: +86-20-89089925 within seven days following discovery of the facts, or three months from the completion of the V-Trust service.
7. Termination of services
V-Trust shall be entitled to automatically either terminate and/or suspend provision of services in the event that:
7.1 The client commits any material breach of its obligations under these terms and conditions and/or the terms of reference and (if such breach shall be capable of remedy) fails to make good such breach within ten days of receipt of notice served by the non-defaulting party (V-Trust) requiring it so to do. Material breaches include but are not limited to willful and deliberate breaches by the client of its obligations mentioned herein.
7.2 The client is insolvent or unable to pay its debts, in suspension of payments, or convenes a meeting of or compounds with its creditors or has a receiving order made against it or (other than for the purposes of bona fide amalgamation or reconstruction) has an order made or a resolution passed for its winding up or for the appointment of an administrator to manage its affairs, business and property or has a receiver or administrative receiver appointed over any of its assets or undertaking or if V-Trust takes or suffers any similar or analogous action in consequence of debt.
8. Miscellaneous
8.1 V-Trust, and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and the client undertake not to divulge to any third party confidential information obtained from the other party regarding the execution of V-Trust services.
8.2 The report will reflect findings of the service at the time and place of service. This report does not discharge sellers and/or suppliers from their legal and/or commercial obligations towards the client.
9. Applicable and Governing law, Jurisdiction and settlement of dispute
9.1 Unless otherwise provided, these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Chinese Law.
9.2 All disputes or differences of any kind whatsoever between the parties in connection with or arising out of the services shall be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Guangzhou, China.

Q. Why do I need shipment inspections or factory audits?
Q. Does V-Trust offer any other service?
Q. Why should I choose V-Trust?
Q. How can I get started using V-Trust Inspection Service?
Q. How many days in advance should I place the booking?
Q. Do I need to send you a sample?
Q. How many days prior to shipment should the inspection be?
Q. Can I discuss with you in details about my inspection criteria?
Q. What information does V-Trust inspection report include?
Q. How long does it take to get my report?
Q. What if I have questions after I receive your report?
Q. What are your inspection rates?
Q. Does V-Trust charge extra for inspecting more than one type of products during the same inspection?
Q. Does V-Trust actually approve the shipment?
Q. What do I need to keep in mind when sending an approved sample to China?
- All powders
- All liquids
- Magnetic products
- Gas and oil products
- Videos/CDs/DVDs
- Batteries