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Slick Deals

How It Works

Slickdeals is the leading and most trusted online community dedicated to sharing, rating, and reviewing deals and coupons.

Members Share Deals

Deal-savvy members find and share deals and coupons across a wide variety of products and retailers.

Community Votes

Our community votes and offers helpful feedback on the best deals.

Deal Editors Curate

Our team of experts curate the Slickdeals Frontpage with the best-of-the-best offers based on your votes and feedback.

Our Commitment

Only the most reputable of merchants will be listed

Our Frontpage features only deals from merchants who have earned a solid reputation based on user feedback from previous deals posted on Slickdeals.

Only the best, hand-picked deals will be posted

Frontpage deals are selected from the pool of deals that has been approved by our community and examined by deal editors. Only the best are picked for Frontpage display. These deals are remarkable for their value, quality, scarcity or timeliness.

Why We’re Different

The Slickdeals community consists of millions of users who are savvy and passionate about finding and sharing good deals. Their engagement sets Slickdeals apart. Every deal on the site is posted, rated and reviewed by the community. Our team of deal editors has deep experience and category knowledge. They sift through these deals, researching the price and price history of products from a variety of merchants, selecting only the best deals to post on the Frontpage. The collaboration of the community and deal editors guarantees the best prices around and makes Slickdeals the best deal site on the Web.


  • Showcase your product and promotion to consumers at varying stages in their purchase cycle
  • Reach a targeted audience that shops both online and in-store
  • Generate awareness and drive incremental sales


Proven Reach

With over 700 million visits last year, Slickdeals is the largest and most trusted platform that helps connect 10 million monthly users with the best products at the best prices. Hundreds of merchants rely on Slickdeals to help achieve their marketing and sales objectives due to our ability to drive awareness and incremental sales. In 2015, we helped merchants generate over $500M in gross merchandise sales.

Engaged Consumers

Slickdeals connects merchants with highly engaged, savvy, knowledgeable, and influential consumers. Our audience is generally younger (70% between 18 – 44), highly educated, and affluent. Our product is addictive: 80% of visits are from users returning every day to share deals, research or purchase products. This level of engagement drives people who have a passion for Slickdeals and the products that are promoted.


Featured Deals

With a proven track record, Featured Deals helps to maintain sales momentum for recent or current Frontpage Deals by extending the time your promotion is shown to our users.

Category Page Placements

Showcase your promotion to targeted users by featuring your promotion on our Category Page Placement. This placement will ensure your promotion is presented to users seeking that relevant product.

Traditional Banner Advertising

Traditional ad units can be an easy way to introduce your brand to millions of savvy Slickdeals users who are always in the market for great products. Slickdeals offers ad placements on desktop, mobile, and app platforms with the ability to target by geography, 20 unique categories, and different sections of the site.

Giveaways, Contests, and Sweepstakes

Reach a large audience and increase brand awareness on Slickdeals by sponsoring a Slickdeals Giveaway. Advertisers can highlight up to 5 deals on the Giveaway landing page.

Weekly and Solo Newsletters

With an opted-in subscriber base of over 1.2 million, you can help your promotion gain maximum visibility with our Weekly and/or Solo Newsletters.

Mobile App Placements

Feature your promotion and brand on the Slickdeals native iOS and Android apps. The Slickdeals apps have over 4 million installs, have a 5-star rating and connect you with highly engaged users.

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