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Random Code Generator

Generate random codes to use for sweepstakes, on vouchers, coupons, as serial numbers and much more.

Generate 1000 unique random codes using the standard options.

The Random Code Generator

This website can generate batches of up to 250,000unique random codes at a time. Not logged in, it's limited to 1000 codes per batch. If you own a Random Code Generator account, it can generate an unlimited amount of codes in batches of 250.000 each! 
The generated codes can be used as random promotional codes, serial numbers, strong passwords, sweepstake codes, pincodes, voucher redeem codes and much more.

Large amounts and Custom requests

If you need large amounts of codes (over 250,000) or you have a custom request, please contact us. We can almost always generate the codes you need, and fast! Most of the time, we can deliver the codes within one working day (CET). Please check our pricing page to see an estimate of what your request would cost. – Our brand new API and platform subscription!

It's finally here! As many of our customers have requested, we have developed a platform with an API that does not only allow you to generate random codes, but it also provides you with an API to check, validate and enrich the codes with your data. You handle the promotion, we handle the codes!


Generate unique random codes

Generate codes. Lots and lots of codes. All codes stored in your account are unique even across campaigns, so no more worrying about duplicates. You can still determine options like length, characterset, pattern, look-a-likes etc. as you are already used to from the online generator.


Use campaigns to divide your codes in multiple batches. Either for different promotions, or if you need different code patterns for different target groups.

You can create as many campaigns as you want.


No more storing hundreds, thousands or even millions of codes in your own database and developing the logic to check and validate them. Just generate the codes, export them (for instance to provide to the printing company) and have your developers do the checking and validating with our API. It's an easy to use REST API, so your developers should have no trouble connecting to it. Please contact us for documentation and examples.


This is what managament wants! Sleek graphics and usage statistics to show you exactly how efficient your campaign has been.


We are currently offering introduction prices!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is the result set smaller than the amount I requested?

    The amount of possible unique codes is determined by the selected length and charactersets or by the selected pattern.
    It is impossible to generate more unique codes than this amount.

    By unchecking the "Remove look-a-likes" box you will probably get a somewhat larger result set. If this still is not enough, increase the length, selected charactersets or pattern to allow a larger amount of possible unique codes.

  • Why are large result sets always saved as a CSV file?

    Most browsers have problems displaying large amounts of text, which might cause them to become unresponsive.
    To avoid this, large result sets (more than 1.000 results) are offered as a downloadable Comma Seperated Values (CSV) file, which can be openend in most plain-text editors as well as in Microsoft Excel or similar programs.

  • Should I use "Generate using characterset" or a "Generate using pattern"?

    If you need codes of a specific length containing characters of a different types (uppercase, lowercase, digits, …) you should "Generate using characterset". Codes like this are typically used for passwords and sweepstakes.
    If you need codes that have a specific pattern (ie. XXX-9999-XX) you should "Generate using pattern". Codes like this are typically used for serial numbers and promotional codes.

  • Should I read the result set per row or per column?

    The codes are displayed on screen per row, not per column. If you want to read them in the order they were generated, you should read them per row. Since the generated code are random, this probably doesn't matter much.

  • What is the maximum amount of codes I can generate?

    The maximum amount of codes that can be generated in one result set is 250.000 if you own a Random Code Generator account. If you don't, the maximum is 1000, which should be enough for most purposes. If you need more codes, you can run the tool again. Please note that the codes in each result set are unique, but duplicates can occur when multiple result sets are combined! If you need one large set containing more than 100.000 unique codes, please contact us for the possibilities and costs.

  • What is the maximum length for a generated code?

    The maximum length for a single code is 100 positions.

  • How do I create pronounceable codes?

    To create pronounceable codes use the "Generate using pattern" option. Pronouncable codes are defined by a pattern where vowels (a, e, i, …) and consonants (b, c, d, …) are used in an alternating fashion. Do not use more than two vowels or consonants repeatedly.

    Some example of patterns that create pronouncable codes are:

    • vcvcvcv = Vowel / Consonant / Vowel / Consonant / Vowel / Consonant / Vowel

    • vcvvccv = Consonant / Vowel / Consonant / Consonant / Vowel / Vowel / Consonant

    • vvcvvccv = Vowel / Vowel / Consonant / Vowel / Vowel / Consonant / Consonant / Vowel

    • cvvcvvc = Consonant / Vowel / Vowel / Consonant / Vowel / Vowel / Consonant

    Please note that probably not all generated codes can be pronounced, due to an unusual combination of characters. Also note that only lowercase characters are used to make the codes more readable.

  • How random are the codes?

    Pretty random.
    Unfortunately, it is theoretically impossible to prove that the generated codes are really random. However, there is a little test devised by Bo Allen which creates a visual representation of the randomness. Because the human eye is very good at spotting patterns, this gives an impression of the randomness of the generator – the more random the image looks, the better the generator works.

    True Randomness
    True random (

    True Randomness
    Pseudo random (PHP rand() )

    True Randomness
    This generator

    The Pseudo Random Number Generator which is used by the PHP rand() function shows some clearly defined patterns, which are essentially predictable results. The randomness created by this generator matches the randomness generated by the True Random Number Generator from

    The image for this generator is calculated on each page load.

  • Which algorithm is used to create the random codes?

    This tool uses the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which is a very fast (pseudo)random number generator.

  • Can I use this tool for cryptography?

    You shouldn't. For more information, have a look at the Wikipedia article about the Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator.

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Random Code Generator

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