What is FeedbackFive?
Over 90% of Amazon buyers typically fail to leave feedback. In addition, customers with a negative experience are more motivated to leave feedback. What is your strategy for getting more feedback on Amazon?
FeedbackFive is the industry’s leading feedback management tool, designed specifically for Amazon merchants. Developed by eComEngine, LLC, FeedbackFive gives Amazon sellers the power to proactively manage their feedback scores. Merchants use our software-as-a-service (SAAS) to automatically solicit feedback from customers, review negative and neutral feedbacks received, monitor trends, request removal of negative feedbacks, and even manage Amazon Product Reviews. If you’re searching for Amazon feedback software, look no further than FeedbackFive.
Meet FeedbackFive
The Inventors of Automated Feedback on the Amazon Marketplace
Since inventing automated feedback on the Amazon marketplace in 2009, FeedbackFive has been used to send over 1 billion emails and successfully solicit over 50 million positive feedbacks. The tool has saved merchants 16 million hours, translating into over $400 million in value. Ready to take your seller reputation to a new level? Here’s how our feedback software works:
Improve Feedback Conversion Rates
Ask Exactly at the Right Moment
Automatically solicit feedback at the exact time customers are most likely to take action.
Customize your emails to emphasize your organization’s branding and message. You can even specify which customers should not receive feedback solicitations, based on product SKU, feedback status, and other criteria.
FeedbackFive’s New Email Campaigns Feature
You spoke, and we listened! Sellers have been asking us for an even more powerful way to manage their Amazon reputations. That’s why we’re so excited to announce our new Campaigns feature, a valuable addition to our software that will help you more effectively reach your buyers.
Text Alerts for Negative and Neutral Feedback
How do you prefer to hear about negative or neutral ratings? (Apart from as infrequently as possible!)
Whether you’re organized for rapid response or have a specific time set aside for feedbackmanagement, you can sign up for automated feedback alerts from FeedbackFive.
Dashboard For Managing Ratings
Intuitive Amazon Feedback Request Software
Amazon buyers have a 90 day window to leave feedback after a transaction. That’s 90 days when you can either wait for buyers to leave positive ratings or, instead, be proactive. You have no control over how, when, or if Amazon sends feedback requests to your customers. But with FeedbackFive you can control what message is sent to your customers and when it is sent.
FeedbackFive gives you the power to manage your own reputation. The system’s simple, yet powerful feedback management dashboard lets you view, monitor, and track negative and neutral feedback. With FeedbackFive, you can reach out to customers with personalized emails. Our product empowers merchants to quickly and efficiently manage their reputations within the centralized, easy-to-use dashboard. Since the system is entirely cloud-based, you can access the system from any web-enabled device.
How to Automatically Track Amazon Product Reviews
As has been well documented, there are many reasons that merchants should track product reviews on the Amazon marketplace.
If you sell more than a handful of items, it can quickly become difficult to manually track review information. Some merchants start by using spreadsheets, but soon find themselves seeking a more effective method. FeedbackFive simplifies the process and notifies you when action may be required.
Have you been looking for Amazon product review software? Wishing you could automatically track customer reviews? FeedbackFive, a cloud-based tool from eComEngine, now simplifies the entire process. Read on to find out if FeedbackFive is right for your eCommerce business.
Magically Match Buyers & Reviewers
Wouldn’t it be nice to know which of your customers took the time to leave product reviews on the Amazon marketplace?
Today we’re excited to announce an innovative (some might even say “magical”) FeedbackFive feature which automatically matches your customers to product reviews. This is a highly requested feature, and we believe it’s a game changer for your eCommerce business.
Automate Your Feedback Solicitation
Within seconds after signing up, your FeedbackFive account goes to work and automatically solicits feedback from customers. Based on your preferences, you can tell FeedbackFive how often and for which products to solicit Amazon feedback. Set it once, and watch the feedback roll in.
Ask at the Right Time, Every Time
Getting your customers to leave feedback on Amazon is a breeze, thanks to FeedbackFive’s automatic solicitation and timing rules. Customize your timing preferences so that customers receive emails at the time when they are most likely to open the message, click through, and leave feedback.
Manage Amazon Product Reviews
In addition to managing feedback, FeedbackFive allows merchants to manage Amazon Product Reviews. Sellers can build custom solicitation rules using our Email Campaign feature. Merchants can even upload a list of ASINs that they wish to track. Receive real-time email alerts to be notified of new reviews.
Convert Feedback into New Revenue
The sellers with the most positive feedback tend to do the best on Amazon. Take control of your online reputation and reap the rewards of greater bottom line performance. Win the buy box more often and beat your competitors by maintaining a stellar Amazon seller rating.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions about using FeedbackFive? We’re always happy to answer! You might find that your concern is addressed below, or you are always welcome to contact our top-rated customer success team.
Why is Amazon feedback important?
Your feedback rating informs potential customers about your reliability as a merchant. It can affect your ability to win the Buy Box. In some cases, it can even affect your ability to sell on the Amazon marketplace.
FeedbackFive, along with good customer service practices, can protect and enhance your reputation on Amazon. It can help safeguard you from the effects of occasional negative ratings. And, most importantly, good feedback helps boost your sales!
How can FeedbackFive improve my Amazon seller feedback?
Over 90% of Amazon buyers typically fail to leave feedback. In addition, customers with a negative experience are more motivated to leave feedback. That leaves you with a large number of satisfied buyers who are not leaving positive ratings.
FeedbackFive automatically sends a personal email to each of your customers requesting seller feedback. Simply sending a polite request can help you increase your positive feedback, which will improve your overall rating on the Amazon marketplace and limit the effect of occasional negative feedback ratings.
Proactive communication can also let your customers know that you care about their buying experience. Reaching out to buyers can also give you the opportunity to address issues before they become a larger problem.
Are there benefits to FeedbackFive other than your feedback score?
Although boosting positive feedback is critically important, there are a number of other benefits to managing your Amazon seller reputation with FeedbackFive. Positive, proactive communication enhances your reputation and encourages repeat sales. In addition, accounts at the Pro level or higher include additional tools such as:
- Custom campaign creation
- Feedback removal request automation
- Negative feedback and review alerts to enable quick response
- Advanced timing and delivery options
Does Amazon permit this type of customer communication?
Absolutely. Amazon encourages you to provide good customer service and to solicit feedback from your customers in order to be a successful merchant. However, it is important to note that Amazon policy does not permit sending marketing messages to customers.
Can I solicit feedback for orders fulfilled by Amazon (FBA)?
Yes. FBA orders are supported at all plan levels. FeedbackFive helps you take advantage of the excellent fulfillment and customer services provided under Amazon’s FBA program.
Is there a setup fee? Can I change my plan?
There are no setup fee or hidden costs for FeedbackFive. You can sign up for a free trial with any plan. Also, you are free to change your plan level at any time.
Does FeedbackFive solicit product reviews (in addition to feedback)?
Yes, FeedbackFive makes it easy to solicit (and manage) product reviews. To learn how to set up your first campaign, click here. Note that all FeedbackFive users receive 2+ ASINs to track for free.
What is the difference between seller feedback and customer (product) reviews?
Seller feedback measures a customer’s satisfaction with the service you provided. Factors impacting feedback can include packaging, speed of shipping and communication (among others). For tips on achieving a positive feedback score, click here. Customer reviews (also known as product reviews) indicate a customer’s satisfaction with the product. Many sellers track reviews to gain insights into customer preferences and trends. For more information about customer reviews, click here. We cover seller feedback vs. product reviews more in-depth here.
Can FeedbackFive help us deal with negative or neutral feedback?
Sellers are encouraged to proactively deal with any negative feedback they receive. Once you have addressed the customer’s concerns, they will often be willing to remove the negative feedback — provided you can make it easy for them. FeedbackFive greatly simplifies this process by allowing you to send an email with a custom link for the customer to remove the feedback. All the customer has to do is click on the link (logging in if necessary), and select the reason for removing the feedback. With just two clicks, the negative feedback is gone. FeedbackFive also allows sellers to contact the Amazon support team if a product review is mistakenly left as feedback or in the event that a delivery issue occurs during an FBA sale. Text / email alerts help Pro+ users take action faster, notifying them within moments of receiving a negative rating.
What are “Email Campaigns”?
FeedbackFive allows you to set up rules-based campaigns for soliciting feedback and reviews. For each campaign you can send up to five emails, which may differ based on product, season, desired customer action or other criteria that is important to you. (Get tips for crafting an amazing feedback request here and ideas for which emails to send here.)
Can I set up product-specific email campaigns?
Yes, FeedbackFive allows you to set up campaigns for specific items. You can also exclude specific SKUs from emails.
Does FeedbackFive allow me to solicit a review after receiving positive feedback?
Yes, with FeedbackFive’s Email Campaigns feature, you can build a rule to solicit Product Reviews after receiving positive feedback.
How do I create an effective feedback email?
While each merchant is different and there is no exact formula, there are some guidelines that any feedback request email should follow:
- Use a descriptive from name in your email, and make sure your customers can reply to ask questions if needed.
- Use a catchy, personalized subject line.
- Customize your email. For example, you can include a reference to the Amazon order number and the title of the item or items purchased
- Consider including a link to your Amazon storefront, where customers can get access to your customer service and email policies.
- Create a design and style that matches your brand. This could range from a simple text email with your name signed at the bottom to a professionally designed HTML template that includes your logo and custom images.
Over time, we encourage you to experiment with different approaches to your customer communications so that you will find the approach that’s best for your particular business.
Can you custom design my email?
We do offer custom email design services. FeedbackFive users on the Enterprise plan level can receive one free professionally designed email by a Certified FeedbackFive Email Designer ($399 value). For more information, please contact us at info@feedbackfive.com. Be sure to include a link to your current website or storefront on Amazon.
What types of information can I include in the email?
Just about anything. Depending on your plan, you can configure the look and content of your email however you like. You can include images such as a logo, a header or other graphical elements. Image hosting is included for free. FeedbackFive also supports a number of personalized fields, including:
- Buyer name
- Ship to name and address
- Order date
- Amazon order ID
- Names of items sold
- Customized feedback link
Amazon rules do not permit sellers to include links or references to non-Amazon websites in their email communications, nor are you permitted to include an email address in the body of your message.
Can I send emails based on certain timing rules (such as delivery date)?
FeedbackFive offers flexible send options to meet your business needs. You can choose a specific hour of the day, or you can configure more advanced send rules based on: order delivery date, send date of a previous email, customer actions and other criteria.
Can I send emails based on certain timing rules (such as delivery date)?
Yes, FeedbackFive allows you to send emails based on order dates, delivery dates, feedback dates and even at specific times of the day.
What if I need to cancel an order or for some reason don't want to send an email?
Our interface allows you to quickly locate and exclude orders from receiving a feedback email. If you cancel an order, FeedbackFive automatically excludes it from receiving an email. FeedbackFive also makes it possible to exclude solicitation based on other criteria, such as late orders, repeat buyers, refunded orders, SKUs, order age and days of the week.
Can I track product reviews for a particular ASIN or batch of ASINs?
Yes, all FeedbackFive customers can track two or more ASINs for free, depending on plan level. Simply paste your list of ASINs into FeedbackFive and our software will simultaneously track thousands of ASINs on your behalf.
Will FeedbackFive alert me when a negative product review is received?
Yes, you can opt to receive real-time (email and text) alerts for negative reviews. FeedbackFive also offers a daily summary email to help you manage your Amazon reputation.
Does FeedbackFive match product reviews to specific buyers/orders?
Yes, FeedbackFive has developed a proprietary algorithm that automatically matches product to orders imported into your account. Before FeedbackFive can match reviews and orders, you must first import the ASINs you wish to track.
How does FeedbackFive match product reviews to my orders?
FeedbackFive’s algorithm considers a variety of data, including (but not limited to): item purchased, buyer name, action dates and open rate information.
Can I ask customers to remove a product review?
According to Amazon guidelines, sellers may not ask buyers to remove negative reviews. However, you may ask customers for additional information and offer to help improve their experiences.
Can I track open rates with FeedbackFive?
Yes, FeedbackFive allows you to track a variety of metrics, including email open rates. Users can view open rate information for the past seven, thirty and ninety day periods.
What should I do if one of my campaigns has a low open rate?
FeedbackFive’s Email Campaign feature makes it possible to test different email subject lines, which is often a major contributor to the open rate statistic. In addition, you may also want to check your campaign logic to ensure you’re messaging customers in an appropriate way.
How can I measure the ROI achieved with FeedbackFive?
Many customers notice a spike in customer feedback and/or product reviews after deploying FeedbackFive. In addition, you may consider monitoring open rate data as part of your ROI analysis.
How can I cancel my account?
If you need to cancel your account, just send a note to info@feedbackfive.com. An account can be cancelled at any time, and you will no longer be billed for service. However, since payments are month-by-month, without any long-term contract, no refunds are provided for the remainder of the billing month in which you choose to cancel.