Yes, you read it correctly… 5,000 + sku’s from 140 + vendors and guess what…he manages it all himself. Oh, and he has a full time job. Let that sink in for a moment. All by himself. Who doesn’t have time now? Todd’s strategy is pretty straight forward: head down and do the work.…
So that’s a lot of title words. But while it is a mouthful, it is accurate. Raun has figured out a way to identify market opportunities, do product research and get feedback all from micro-interest Facebook groups. Imagine finding out what horse lovers think of a new shampoo? Or what chicken raisers need to address…
275 : Paul Miller – The power of product licensing to grow your Amazon Business
Paul is going to introduce you to the fast expanding world of licensing and what it can do for your private label product(s). Imagine taking your products to a much bigger market, riding the coat tails of some of the largest companies out there. It allows you to expand onto other channels, and let’s larger…
274 : James Thomson – Continuing education for ecommerce sellers at the Prosper Show
James is back and man is he on a mission. His mission is to continue with the education YOU (WE, ME) need in this fast-pace, ever-changing continuously-evolving world we have chosen. Think CPE’s for those in the Teaching, engineering, accounting, legal and other professions. Oh and Michael Gerber of eMyth fame will be there! Mentioned:…
273 : Kelly Fedio – Keep investing into knowledge and level up your Amazon Selling Business
What a great story. Walk away from an incredibly promising certain future to level up your family commitments. This lady has it straight! Look out into your future, do you see what you are doing right now being the thing you want to do in the future? (Oh and are you happy in that image…