LIMITED RELEASE: Looking For 100 New Millionaires To Follow The 12 Months To One Million Plan – Plus Discover Exactly How We Support Businesses That Generate Up To $1 Million Per Month…
YES! I’m ready to stop letting the years slip away, and I’m willing to take the first step toward a million dollar business! Give me the tried-and-true blueprint for building a million dollar brand in twelve months, so I can begin building something that is scalable and sellable.
Here’s What You’re Getting: The tested and proven blueprint to building a million dollar brand, plus access to peers and mentors who can help you along the way.
As you follow the training over the next few weeks, we will accomplish the following together…
- CHOOSE YOUR MARKET AND YOUR PRODUCTS: With our help, you will choose a market with millions of dollars for the taking and products that will sell, even if you have no good ideas right now. You will be proud of your business, and you will sleep well at night knowing that your products make a difference in other people’s lives.
- GET SALES TO $1,000,000 PER YEAR AND BEYOND: Your mission inside of this Bootcamp is simple: get your business to $1m as quickly as possible. As a member of BBB, you’ll have the training and the support to get there as quickly as possible… and then scale beyond your first million.
- GET RAVING CUSTOMERS WHO LOVE TO BUY FROM YOU: When you implement what we teach you inside of BBB, you will not only sell product, but you will attract customers who love to buy from you. Why? Because your product will be positioned as the solution to their problem, so they will want to come back to you again and again, giving you passive income and repeat customers.
- MAXIMIZE AMAZON.COM FOR FREE TRAFFIC AND CUSTOMERS: is your best source for a steady flow of sales. Using our tried-and-true methods, your products will rank for keywords and convert lookers into buyers, so that you can live off of the gravy train of’s marketplace.
- HOW TO HAVE OTHER PEOPLE SEND YOU CUSTOMERS: How much faster would you grow if Instagram celebrities and popular YouTube channels were talking about YOUR product? In Module 3, you will discover how to get in front of influencers who share your product with their followers and put you on the map. As a result, you’ll enjoy more “hands-off” sales and a more authoritative brand.
- AUTOMATE THE ENTIRE PROCESS: Once your business is taking sales, you can step back and work ON your business, rather than slaving away IN your business. Instead of trading your hours for dollars, you will be a true business owner.
- BUILD A SCALABLE, SELLABLE BRAND: Do you want to sell your company for a huge payday? Our students have sold their businesses for $10 million and more because they are built on a solid foundation. When you implement the steps in the 12 Months To $1 Million plan, you will have a business that is scalable and sellable to an outside buyer.
Bonus 1: Intimate Monthly Group Coaching Sessions For One Year: Afraid to go it alone? Inside your members area, you will have access to real coaches who have used your training to become millionaires.
Yes, our training is good, but the coaching is freakin’ great. As a member of BBB, you will enjoy monthly group coaching sessions with experienced millionaires who have gone through the training and seen every possible issue that might get in your way. Plus, you will meet your fellow students and form “mastermind” groups with them, so you will never be alone in this process.
Bonus 2: Private Facebook Group: Need even more help? Ask any question and make immediate connections inside the Brand Builder Bootcamp Facebook group and forum. Every question you could possibly ask has already been answered by someone, so you will have all the help that you need to make taking action as simple and easy as possible.
Bonus 3: Exclusive Millionaire Interview Series: Yes, the information that you are about to acquire has been responsible for creating over 100 millionaires and counting. Inside of your members area, you will meet some of them and discover what took them from zero to over one million, so you can implement their strategies.