AMZ Launch Service
Awaken the Amazon algorithm
Get thousands of Amazon customers and increase your ranking and organic sales.
20k registered shoppers in DE
More shoppers means less discount on your products. A lower discount scares off “professional product testers” who test everything as long as it costs $ 0. Overall, this results in a more natural buying behavior on Amazon.
E-Mail addresses of shoppers
You receive from us the e-mail addresses of the Deal participants. Use them to enter into direct dialogue with the customers and to build up your own e-mail list.
Generate feedback
Shoppers agree to give you feedback by participating in the deal. After the shopper has taken the first step, you can also ask for a public rating in direct dialogue, without, of course, becoming more inzentiveren.
Launch new products on Amazon
With our launch service you wake up the Amazon algorithm.
Distribute promotion sales evenly
You decide in which rhythm the vouchers are delivered.
Amazon compliant
Our offer is compliant with the new Amazon Guidelines for Reviewers.
Can I use the contact details to contact the customers?
Yes, the customers have explicitly agreed.
Must the participants write a public review, eg. on Amazon?
May I ask the participants for a public review?
Yes, but you have to follow the guidelines of the platforms. On Amazon, for example, it is not allowed to give incentives. For example, it would not be allowed to give the participant an advantage when a review is published.
May I use the contact details of the participants for my own newsletter?
The request to the participant is allowed if he wants to subscribe to the newsletter of the dealer. The permission refers solely to a request and does not replace the legal requirements to obtain the consent of the user for the actual newsletter registration (currently double-opt-in).
The Amazon terms and conditions, however, that I may not contact customers. Why is that different at AMZStars?
It is correct that the data, which became known by the use of the Marketplace platform, must not be used for the unwanted making contact. At AMZStars, the contact details were not made by Amazon.
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