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AmzRush is a Amazon Seller Software to Help You Reach Your Full Potential


Send e-mails to your customers

Keyword Rank Tracker

Track positions of your keywords in Amazon’s search

Seller Feedback Tracker

Get notified about new seller feedback

Product Review Tracker

Get alerts about reviews on your products

Constant Progress

AmzRush constantly improves features and introduces new ones

BSR Tracker

AmzRush track BSR on your every product, every 4 hours

Our Guarantees

100% Amazon Compliant

Follow Amazon’s policies while communicating with your customers

Generate Product Reviews

You can ask your buyers to review your products and generate honest reviews

Delivery Filters

Organize your timing preferences. Choose the right time when you customers are most likely to open the message and leave the review

Negative Review Notifications

Receive notifications when negative feedback is left so you can easily resolve it


Look at our main features. AmzRush constantly improves features and introduces new ones for every Plan


Once a customer makes or receives your order, You can send him a letter. Thus, you will communicate with your customers and improve the number of comments to your products.

Tracking of Seller Feedback and Reviews

Time of reaction to dissatisfied customer’s comments has a paramount importance in working with the feedback. The faster you react to negative feedback. The reviews monitoring tool will help you to keep the track of events.

Keyword Rank Tracking

Track the positions and indexing of your keywords. Optimize your listing. Analyze what words work the best way. Index checking tool will show which words help customers to find you and which not. Sell more! Get Pricing

Super URL

Track the positions and indexing of your keywords. Optimize your listing. Analyze what words work the best way. Index checking tool will show which words help customers to find you and which not. Sell more!

Coming Soon

AmzRush always improve functionality, and this awesome features coming soon

Use this dashboard for monitoring your key metrics

Don’t run your FBA business blindly! Get all the necessary information for making your business decisions and get rid of competitors. You have just to enter the cost of your product and the system will give you a detailed statistics of your ROI, profitability, margin, and spendings for the every SKU. Merchant Metrics will do everything for you!

Hijacker Alert

Catch hijackers who break into your listing. As soon as it happens, you will receive an immediate notification that another seller has joined your listing. You will be also provided with the set of instructions on how to cope with the problem in the shortest possible time.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you need help, we have a list of frequently asked questions and answer

Is there a set-up fee? Can I change my plan?

No. There is no set-up fee or any hidden cost for AmzRush. You can sign up for a free plan. Also, you are free to change your plan at any time.

How can AmzRush improve my Amazon products feedback?

Over 90% of Amazon buyers typically fail to leave feedback. In addition, customers with a negative experience are more motivated to leave feedback. That leaves you with a large number of satisfied buyers who are not leaving positive ratings.

Proactive communications can also let your customers know that you care about their buying experience, and can give you the opportunity to address issues before they become a larger problem.

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Price $20
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Category Tools, Feedback, Monitoring
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