Amazon Sales Rank Lookup
Retrieve the Amazon Sales Rank using your products' keywords or unique identifiers (ASIN, MPN/Part Number, SKU, ISBN, EAN, or UPC). This tool is useful for selling competitively on Amazon and determining which listings of duplicate products to sell on.
Sales Rank Info
The best sellers calculation by Amazon is a reflection of recent and historic sales of all items sold on Amazon. The sales rank is updated hourly, ranking each product with a number – the lower the number means the better the product is selling in comparison to similar products in the same subcategory.
The sales rank is a good indication of how well a product is selling overall and is a great tool for selling competitively on Amazon in addition to finding the best listing to sell if "duplicate" products exist – meaning the same product but selling on multiple Amazon listings.
Real-time Amazon Sales Rank
On premium plans and higher, retrieve the real-time sales rank of your products automatically every 1-2 hours. Sales rank can change quickly – this feature keeps all of the products in your account up to date for making important decisions with the most accurate data.
Retrieve the Sales Rank for your products
Join today and start collecting the Amazon sales rank for your products within minutes of registering your account.
Sales Rank for all Amazon locales
Connect to, Canada (.ca), United Kingdom (, Germany (.de), France (.fr), Spain (.es), Italy (.it), Japan (.jp), India (.in), and China (.cn). Create separate campaigns for North America, Europe, and Asia.
Available Amazon Data
You can collect, analyze, and export the following data. Note, some attributes are available only on certain plans
Product Data:
- ASIN Amazon Standard Identification Number
- UPC Universal Product Code
- EAN International Article Number (European Article Number)
- SKU Stock-keeping Unit
- MPN Manufacturer Part Number
- Keywords Search Amazon for keywords or titles of your products and return matching results
- ISBN International Standard Book Number
- Parent ASIN Parent ASIN of a product listing. A listing has a parent ASIN if there are children ASINs (product variations) assigned.
- Children ASIN The children ASINs of a product listing. These children ASINs typically represent variations of a parent ASIN like sizes or colors.
- Manufacturer The manufacturer name or brand name of the product
- Description Full product (editorial) description
- Model The product model
- Package Dimensions Height The shipping package height
- Package Dimensions Width The shipping package width
- Package Dimensions Length The shipping package length
- Package Dimensions Weight The shipping package weight
- Item Dimensions Height The product height
- Item Dimensions Width The product width
- Item Dimensions Length The product length
- Item Dimensions Weight The product weight
- Publication Date (Books) The date the book was published
- Edition (Books) The edition of the book if available
- Number of Pages (Books) Total number of pages the book has
- Trade-in Value The product trade-in value (primarily for books)
- Size The size of the product (i.e. Shoe size)
- Color The color of the product if available
- Merchant Name The seller's name of the buy box price
- 5 Additional Images The primary image URL of the product and 4 additional image URLs if available
- Category The top level category of the product
- Subcategory The lowest level category of the product
- All Categories Includes the category hierarchy that the product is in (i.e. Electronics > Computers & Accessories > Tablets).
- Amazon Listing URL The URL of the main product page on Amazon
- Binding (Books) The binding of a book (i.e. Hardcover, Paperback, Spiral)
- Brand The brand name or manufacturer name of a product
- Label The label of a product, commonly a book (i.e. Scholastic)
- Number of Items Number of items in a product
- Package Quantity Quantity of items in a package
- Product Group The product category an item belongs to
- Product Type Name The Amazon 'type name' identifier, i.e. (CONSOLE_VIDEO_GAMES)
- Publisher (Books) The publisher of a book
- Release Date The release date of a book
- Small Image Primary product small image URL (normally 75px width)
- Medium Image Primary product medium image URL (normally 160px width)
- Large Image Primary product large image URL (normally 500px width)
- Features Bullet point descriptions on a product listing
- Studio The name of the studio, such as Warner Brothers, that produced a digital item
Product Pricing:
Buybox New Landed Price
The total buy box listing price and shipping price of a product in new condition.
Buybox New Listing Price
The buy box listing price of a product in new condition.
Buybox New Shipping Price
The buy box shipping price of a product in new condition.
Buybox Used Landed Price
The total buy box listing price and shipping price of a product in used condition.
Buybox Used Listing Price
The buy box listing price of a product in used condition.
Buybox Used Shipping Price
The buy box shipping price of a product in new condition.
Buybox Used Subcondition
The buy box subcondition of a used product (i.e. New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor).
Lowest Offer Listings
Contains pricing information for the lowest offer listing for each offer listing group.
Lowest New Fulfillment Channel
The fulfillment channel – Merchant or FBA – of the seller with the absolute lowest price new condition offer (total list price + shipping).
Lowest New Price
The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a new item regardless of fulfillment channel.
Lowest New Shipping
The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a new item regardless of fulfillment channel.
Lowest Used Fulfillment Channel
The fulfillment channel – Merchant or FBA – of the seller with the absolute lowest price used condition offer (total list price + shipping).
Lowest Used Price
The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a used item regardless of fulfillment channel.
Lowest Used Shipping
The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) offer of a used item regardless of fulfillment channel.
Lowest New Price FBA
The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, new item condition offer.
Lowest New Shipping FBA
The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, new condition offer.
Lowest Used Price FBA
The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, used condition offer.
Lowest Used Shipping FBA
The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, FBA, used condition offer.
Lowest New Price Merchant
The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, new condition offer.
Lowest New Shipping Merchant
The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, new condition offer.
Lowest Used Price Merchant
The listing price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, used condition offer.
Lowest Used Shipping Merchant
The shipping price of the lowest landed (listing + shipping) price, merchant fulfilled, used condition offer.
Lowest Refurbished Price
The lowest price of a refurbished product.
Has Super Saver Shipping
A '0' represents no SSS and a '1' notes the buy box product offers Super Saver Shipping. SSS is commonly offered with prime as well.
List Price Amount
The full retail price of the product suggested by the manufacturer or supplier.
Analytical Data:
Sales Rank
The Amazon Sales Rank assigned to a product within a certain category that represents sales performance. A lower number means a better ranking.
Total New Sellers
Number of sellers within a particular listing selling a new conditioned item.
Total Used Sellers
Number of sellers within a particular listing selling a used conditioned item.
Total Refurbished Sellers
Number of sellers within a particular listing selling a refurbished conditioned item.
Lowest New Feedback Rating
(98-100%, 95-97%, 90-94%, 80-89%, 70-79%, Less than 70%, or Just launched ) – Indicates the percentage of feedback ratings for the lowest priced seller on a new conditioned item that were positive over the past 12 months.
Lowest New Feedback Count
The number of seller feedback ratings that have been submitted for the seller with the lowest-priced offer listing in the group of new conditioned items.
Lowest Used Feedback Rating
(98-100%, 95-97%, 90-94%, 80-89%, 70-79%, Less than 70%, or Just launched ) – Indicates the percentage of feedback ratings for the lowest priced seller on a used conditioned item that were positive over the past 12 months.
Lowest Used Feedback Count
The number of seller feedback ratings that have been submitted for the seller with the lowest-priced offer listing in the group of used conditioned items.
Lowest New Feedback Rating FBA
Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Rating' above.
Lowest New Feedback Count FBA
Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Count' above.
Lowest Used Feedback Rating FBA
Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Rating' above.
Lowest Used Feedback Count FBA
Applies to the lowest offer of FBA sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Count' above.
Lowest New Feedback Rating Merchant
Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Rating' above.
Lowest New Feedback Count Merchant
Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest New Feedback Count' above.
Lowest Used Feedback Rating Merchant
Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Rating' above.
Lowest Used Feedback Count Merchant
Applies to the lowest offer of Merchant fulfilled sellers. See 'Lowest Used Feedback Count' above.
FBA Tier Level
Fulfillment by Amazon Tier Level (i.e. Small Standard-Size, Large Standard-Size, Small Oversize, Medium Oversize, Large Oversize, Special Oversize).
FBA Order Handling
Fulfillment by Amazon Order Handling Fee.
FBA Pick & Pack
Fulfillment by Amazon Pick and Pack Fee.
FBA Weight Handling
Fulfillment by Amazon Weight Handling Fee.
FBA Fee Total
Fulfillment by Amazon Fee Total.
Features Details
Note that some features listed below are only available on certain plans. Plan outline can be viewed above.
Unlimited Searches / Conversions
Run unlimited searches. The product limit is only how many products you can have in your account at a time.
Best Sales Rank Filter
If "duplicate" product listings exist, have the option to export only the best Amazon Sales Ranked product.
Buy Box Price & Shipping
The winner of the listing Buy-Box price and shipping costs.
Auto-update of Pricing & Sales Rank
Automatically update the pricing and sales rank of your converted products every couple hours to keep changing data current.
FBA Estimated Fee Calculations
FBA fulfillment costs including the FBA tier level, order handing, pick & pack, weight handling, and total estimated FBA fee.
Campaigns allow you to separate your data for different supplier lists, sales strategies, different Amazon locales, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
If your question is not listed below, please CONTACT us!
Is there a contract?
Nope. You pay month-to-month. Change plans or cancel at any time. You can also sign up for a limited free account with just your name and email.
How do I pay?
We accept the following major credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. At this time we do not accept American Express or PayPal unless it is for a custom module or custom plan.
What happens if I want to upgrade?
You can upgrade your plan at any time and the costs will be prorated based on any unused days from your previous plan.
What happens if I cancel?
You can cancel with a click of a button within your account. We do not offer refunds for partial months or for plan downgrades. Your data will be stored for some time in case you change your mind.