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Listing Eagle


24×7 Real-Time Email Alerts

As a Listing Eagle Member you will receive an email alert in real-time once any listing is Suppressed or Hijacker activity is detected on your Amazon Listing. 

Instant SMS Text Alerts

As a Listing Eagle Member you will receive an email alert in real-time once any listing is Suppressed or Hijacker activity is detected on your Amazon Listing. 

In addition to email alerts, you will also receive 24×7 SMS text message alerts. This service is also available to our International Subscribers who have text capabilities. Get notified about a potential hijacker no matter where you are!

Fight Hijackers & Defend Your Brand​

Your best chance of success against Hijackers is an immediate and aggressive response and with Listing s immediate notifications you are always ready and armed. 

Listing Eagle provides template letters for you to send or you can customize your own.


Unsuppress Your Listings Fast & Don't Lose Sales​

Your best chance of success against Hijackers is an immediate and aggressive response and with Listing s immediate notifications you are always ready and armed. 

Listing Eagle provides template letters for you to send or you can customize your own.​

No longer will it take days for you to finally stumble onto the fact your listing has been hijacked!

Get notified immediately when one of your listings has been suppressed and get it fixed ASAP without losing days of sales/rankings!


Monitor your listings on the go… Receive convenient text alerts on your phone (including international SMS text alerts) so that you can take quick action. Instruct hijackers to remove their fraudulent product from your listing or fix your suppressed listing right away!


Listing Eagle will create customized communications for you to send to hijackers at the touch of a button. Developing a custom strategy and script to confront hijackers can be confusing and time-consuming!

If you prefer to customize and save your own version of the letters ListingEagle can do that!


Get notified instantly when any one of your listings have been suppressed by Amazon. Avoid the stomach wrenching pain of realizing your drop in sales have been due to a suppressed listing you didn't know about for days!

Getting notified of a suppressed listing instantly allows you to fix the problem and not lose sales or your rank. 


No third party tool access needed to your sellers account!

Loading ASIN’s one by one manually is clunky and time-consuming, but with our bulk loader you will set up your ASIN’s with speed and accuracy.


Q: Does it matter which country I live in to receive Text Messages on my mobile phone?

A: No, not at all – you can live anywhere and we can send a SMS to any mobile phone that is capable of receiving text messages.

Q: Does Listing Eagle send emails directly to the Hijacker for me?

A: No, but it does provide you a template letter you can copy with 1 click to the send to the Hijacker.

Q: Can I change my membership plan level after I sign up with Listing Eagle?

A: Yes, we know you need a flexible solution that can scale along with your FBA business as it grows. You can easily move plan levels as needed.

Q: Can my VA / outsourced worker use my Listing Eagle account?

A: Absolutely. Your Listing Eagle account login can be accessed by up to 3 people.

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Price $9.97
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Category Tools, Analysis / Reporting
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Listing Eagle

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