Find New Opportunities in Global Trade
Evaluate Suppliers
If you're importing from overseas, we'll help you find high quality suppliers. Our shipping records reveal customers, product lines, and exporting volumes for factories around the world.
Monitor Competitors
Would you like to know where your competitors source their products? Our databases of shipping manifests reveal suppliers, product volumes, and industry trends for U.S. importers and distribution companies
Find Sales Prospects
If you sell products or services to U.S. importers, our datasets let you qualify prospects based on their shipping histories.
Research Markets
If your livelihood depends on having the most accurate and up-to-date economic data, you need our business intelligence.
Our Databases Empower Global Trade Professionals
Evaluate potential suppliers based on their true shipping histories and customer lists
The world of international trade is fraught with risk. Our shipping manifest databases separate genuine suppliers from scammers by giving you access to their real shipping histories and customer lists.
Understand what companies are importing…and who they buy from overseas.
Research competitors’ shipping activities to learn about their suppliers, product trends and importing volumes. Our database of shipping manifests makes it easy to understand what companies are importing into the U.S. and who their suppliers are in other countries.
If you sell to companies engaged in global trade, we'll help you find new customers.
Our easy to use application makes it easy to identify, qualify and connect with importers and exporters. If you're selling a product or service to importers, your sales and marketing teams need access to our targeting tools.
Explore trading connections and navigate the world of international trade with Visual Mapping
Examine all the trading partners for companies you want to research on one screen with our powerful Visual Mapping application. At a glance you’ll identify all the key suppliers for importers, as well as other companies buying from those same suppliers. The world of international trade is a fascinating place, and our tools provide the easiest, most engaging way to dive into it.
E-mail alerts notify you about shipments relevant to your business
Stay on top of your competitors, suppliers or customers with real-time e-mail alerts that notify you whenever they bring in a shipment. Don’t get caught by surprise when they start importing a rival product or trading with a new partner.
Import Genius reveals the trading activities of importers and exporters around the world.
We give you hard data about your overseas suppliers and domestic competitors. Using shipping databases from Customs agencies in the United States, Latin America, and India, Import Genius can help you find reliable new trading partners, monitor your competitors’ shipments, and keep an eye on your current suppliers and customers.
Our team of seasoned import-export veterans, cutting-edge software developers, and customer service professionals has worked for years to build the world's most powerful and accessible database of international trade intelligence.
We do this for a diverse client base that requires keen insight into international trade.
Our customers include some of the world's top importers, exporters, freight forwarders, logistics companies, manufacturers, investment banks, financial analysts, intellectual property attorneys, and more. They use our tools to:
Research the trade activity of importers and suppliers
Identify and vet new sources for any kind of product
Monitor the competition and their trade connections
Generate sales leads for transportation and logistics companies
Track the activity of publicly-traded companies
Investigate and enforce intellectual property infringement
Ensure exclusive agent compliance
Who Uses Import Genius
Sourcing Professionals…
Use our service to view shipping histories for suppliers.
We provide access to detailed customs records, letting you verify suppliers' true shipping volumes and U.S. customer lists. You can also look up your competing import firms to find where they buy their goods.
Competitive Intelligence Analysts…
Use our service to learn where rivals source products.
We give clear insights into the importing volumes, new product releases, and broader competitive dynamics of your industry.
Sales & Marketing Teams…
Use our service to generate sales prospects.
We give you the tools to target importers based on product type, location, shipping volumes, and more.
Financial Analysts…
Use our service to monitor public companies' imports.
We offer rare data on the success or failure of new product launches, shipping trends and other operating data for companies in any industry.
Available Data Fields
Import Genius Data Fields
By collecting the ocean freight bill of lading for all U.S. imports in our database, Import Genius provides unprecedented access to near real-time information on virtually every industry and company importing goods into the country.
For each shipment entering the U.S. by ocean, we provide access to the following information.
Additional Fields Available for Some Shipments:
- Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Contact Person