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Free Amazon Keyword Research Tool for Amazon Sellers

Supercharge your Amazon Business

SellerApp connects all the different dots – Marketing, Sales, and Operations into a single platform ensuring growth and success

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PPC Analyzer

Automates your ad optimization process for the best profits

Flag negative search terms, automatically mine for converting keywords to optimize targeting. Increase conversions while decreasing ad spends and ACoS.

Understand the core insights of your Amazon profits

Maximize your sales opportunities to track expenses, spends, and profits. Identify the right opportunities to scale, and efficiently manage Amazon spends and grow net sales.

Top searched keywords from millions of real Amazon search queries

Hundreds of keyword suggestions along with the search volume, competition, and even seasonal trends for each keyword. Reverse engineer your competitors' listing strategy and top keywords.

Auto-populates the top indexed product listing keywords

Whether it is your own listing or a competitor's, Product Keywords picks out all the search terms indexed from the listing. Leverage top searched keywords from your competitors' for your benefit.

Discover the perfect product with the best profits

Find the next superhero product and make a killing by selling it on Amazon! Mine through 35M+ products collecting thousands of data points every day. Discover smart product choices with SellerApp product research tool.

Discover best selling product ideas within seconds

Tired of scurrying aimlessly through thousands of products to find a good niche? Cherry picked best sellers with high demand and spiked sales volume. Deep dive into the product details with a single click. As simple as that.

Enhance your Amazon listing quality for the best sales conversions

SellerApp’s Amazon Listing Optimization Tool scrutinizes the discoverability along with the desirability of the listings to provide actionable listing improvement recommendations. Guaranteed to see results within weeks.


Increased Revenue

Discover the exact data you'd need to accelerate Amazon optimization


Satisfied Customers

We’re obsessed with your success, which is why thousands of sellers worldwide rely on SellerApp.


Sales Increase

Work smarter not harder, with automated SellerApp Insights.

Smart sellers use SellerApp

  • Best Selling Product Ideas
  • High-quality Keywords
  • Advanced Listing Optimizer
  • Automated PPC Analyzer
  • Expert Consultation
  • Sales and Inventory Tracking

Wait… It Doesn't Stop Here

We're constantly refining our product. Adding new features. Working to help your business grow.


Your success is our mission. Whether you are just testing waters or a legend, our knowledgeable customer staff is always available anytime you need support. We're just an email or a phone call away. 24/7/365


Each customer is guided by one of our resident customer champions on a personalized 1:1 tour to show how SellerApp can help you optimize your Amazon pages, grow your revenue and in turn increase profits.


We take every measure to ensure you get true business value from the SellerApp platform. 1:1 consultation with our Experts for best practice suggestion and proven strategies, to you set up an action plan and sprint your way to success.


SellerApp Chrome Extension is your pair of intelligent eyes gathering every bit of sales information for every product as you browse through Amazon pages. Find your next best selling product faster and easier than ever!


We’ve put together the best training material and resources to your help you broaden your knowledge on e-selling – optimize your spends, grow your sales, convert more customers and optimize your revenue. All free of cost!


Collaborate with your entire team with the New Team Members features. Invite your Amazon team to use your SellerApp account with the ability to control their feature usage.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a free trial on SellerApp?

Yes! We do have a 7-day free trial period where you could explore and test Amazon SellerApp to your satisfaction. After the trial, you’ll automatically be subscribed to the plan you choose during the trial period.

What countries does SellerApp support?

At this time, we have SellerApp Amazon US and SellerApp for Amazon AU (Beta). We are working on adding even more stores so please stay tuned!

How much does SellerApp cost?

Once the free trial period is over, our Basic paid plan starts at $49/mo. You can check out all your options on our Pricing Page.

Do you offer managed services for my Amazon store?

We currently do not offer managed services of any sort. But for every subscription, you’ll have a dedicated Amazon Expert account manager, who will guide you through your growth to ecommerce success.

How does SellerApp protect my data?

We take privacy and security extremely seriously. Your data is never viewed by our team unless requested by you. Sensitive data is encrypted using AES 256-bit encryption, the same level of encryption banks and governments use. We also adopt appropriate precautions to prevent technical and organizational loss, manipulation or abuse of data.

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Price $39.99
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Free Amazon Keyword Research Tool for Amazon Sellers

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